Unfortunately, his state is reopening and he needs to get back to his agriculture customers. It's always hard when he leaves but we know it won't be long before he's home again. Here are a few pictures from the past month. So much fun!
Jack and his Uncle Andy

Andy harvested a turkey during turkey season.
Jack learns how to feed the chickens.
With the "Stay Home" orders, I've been able to concentrate on my flower beds. Andy helped with the mulching. I don't think my beds have ever been cleaned and mulched this early before but I'm loving how they are looking!
My Secret Garden with hostas, heuchera, iris, lilies and quince
in their partial shady spot
I think I planted this Bleeding Heart last year and it has really grown!
These two quince shrubs got quite a pruning last year and I hoped they would come out. What a beautiful display this Spring!
Over the last several years, we have created a curved flower berm in front of our house. It echos the curve in our driveway and has had several changes and additions over the years. It is still in transition but we finally have the foundation plants in place. The area in front of it, toward the gravel road, is full of wildflowers and will remain unmown. J mentioned yesterday how much he likes this berm as it is a good transition from the 'wildflower area' to the more manicured area around the house. The berm contains crabapple trees, peonies, ink berry bushes, Russian sage, ninebark and lilacs. Perennials include coneflowers, rudbeckia, moon flowers, clematis and salvia. I'm so happy these have all come back! This is the view looking down one side of the berm. It's actually twice this size and but I haven't figured out a way to
photograph it all in one picture.
The crab apple blooms have been gorgeous this year!
Even with social distancing, we were able to share a Palm Sunday brunch with my MIL. Andy shared the scripture for the day and we all enjoyed these egg casserole cups, fruit and blueberry muffins - all sitting 'appropriately safe distances' apart!! The recipe was shared by Ann on her blog, On Sutton Place.
I substituted sausage for the ham as that's what I had on hand. Those fresh eggs really made a great breakfast!!
During the rainy days, I've been a little creative making face masks (like everyone else!) and some bowl cozies. These cozies are one of the big sellers for our retired teacher craft club. We make and sell items to support our Classroom Grant program. I've also been working on digitizing some family photos.
These bowl cozies are great to warm up soup in the microwave! (Be sure all of your supplies are ALL COTTON so they don't catch on fire!)
What have you been up to during these pandemic days? I'm hoping you, your family and friends are healthy! I'm praying for all who have been working to keep the rest of us safe and healthy and special prayers of comfort to those who are suffering from this disease and for those who have lost loved ones.
Until next time.... Zenda