I've learned lots of things in my life. As a young person, I learned how to take care of myself, drive a car, and build friendships. During my career years, I learned how to teach young children to read, raise a family, and (relatively recently) how to cook! While helping my elderly parents, I learned where all the doctors' offices were, the difference between assisted living and nursing home care, and how Alzheimer's Disease is harder on the family than on the patient.
Now, as I'm getting ready to retire, I realize there are still lots more things to learn. Things I've always wondered about but never had time to learn. Like photography....just for fun....home decorating, and gardening (both vegetable and flowers). I also am looking forward to reading what I want to, not what I have to. And what exciting new places my wonderful hubby and I can visit and learn about?!
Another thing I've wanted to learn about for awhile is how to set up a photo blog. This way, I can hold myself accountable for learning these new things and more. I'd like to invite you check in on my new 'education' from time to time and see how I'm doing. Your gentle comments would be appreciated!
Let the next chapters begin!